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Jake Cunningham

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  • Jake Cunningham

    Hello everyone. My name is Jake and I've been working with MES since 2011, primarily in green energy and EVs. My background has mostly been homegrown (Software Engineer) and some Rockwell FTPC. Looking forward to learning more from you all.

    Current role is a director for a PV company where I'll be building out the MES for a new factory.

  • #2
    Welcome to the community Jake, I work in the pharmaceutical industry and have a background in IT but dabble with some scripting and development. I started this website to help bring people within the industry together but I noticed that the engagement has been weak. I need to change the focus of this website to be more for people that want to innovate and take MES to a whole new level. I think it be great to start working on some community driven AI projects.

